Jim and Sue married young and 20 years later find themselves on holiday in Spain - an anniversary present from their children - with very little to say to each other. Jim can't bear to be separated from his mobile and his business; and while Sue wants to relax with a chick-lit novel, Jim's idea of fun is immersing himself in a heavyweight historical biography. On discovering that their pool is shared with the adjacent villa, they do all they can to keep themselves to themselves, but the glamorous young couple next door soon bring a new perspective to Jim and Sue's relationship. Felipe has just asked Esther to marry him and their apparently blossoming relationship throws Jim and Sue's into stark relief. They frolic by the pool, sing songs to each other and are young love personified. Jim and Sue's holiday, meanwhile, goes from bad to worse when Sue falls asleep in the sun and suffers severe sunburn. Locked out of the sun in their villa, Sue and Felipe soon start to confide in each ...