有谁还记得那时的快艇—— 雷霆号?下面要介绍的就是《天堂的雷霆》!还记不记得伴着我们长大的那部《 飞狼》,《 霹雳游侠》?那架黑色的直升机,那辆黑色的汽车,那艘黑色的快艇。给了我们多少欢乐……《天堂的雷霆》,英文名称“Thunder In Paradise“。这是一部1994年的美国电视剧,一艘智能的游艇。一个退役的军人有一艘科技含量很高的快艇能变形会说话,男主角是个白头发的猛男,名字叫做 斯宾塞。演员名字是 Hulk Hogan,现实中是个超级 摔角高手。Hulk Hogan,原为摔角手,现为TNA未来规划设计师,多次获得WWE的冠军。他对职业摔跤贡献巨大,将这一行业带入体育娱乐界主流的轨道中。Randolph Spencer and Martin Brubaker were ex-Navy SEALS-turned-mercenaries who hired themselves out as soldiers of fortune to deliver their own brand of justice. On their missions, Spence and Bru relied heavily on Thunder, which was a souped-up, gadget-ridden speedboat originally built by Spencer for the U.S. Government.An interesting bit of info: While filming Thunder In Paradise in Florida, which is where WCW filmed its Saturday TV show in the same lot, Hogan, who had retired from wrestling, was offered a great contract from then WCW owner Ted Turner.