Super Healthy Monsters is a Sesame Street mini-series that debuted in June 2012. The 5 to 7-minute series focuses on activities and foods that keep one healthy. Sesame Workshop produced 26 episodes in English, which initially aired dubbed in Spain on Antena 3 as a Barrio Sésamo mini-series called “Monstruos Supersanos.“ Around 2011, the segments were also released in Latin America. Each episode featured framing scenes starring Elmo, followed by newly produced Muppet sketches and on-location film pieces. The film segments aren't retained in airings outside of Spain. Excerpts from each episode are also available in the Antena 3 webpage, as well as a series of videos with Elmo and Spanish celebrities, such as singer David Bustamante, host Susanna Griso, chef Ferran Adrià and football player Gerard Piqué. The series features main Sesame Street characters Elmo, Grover, Cookie Monster, Rosita, Ernie, Bert, Abby Cadabby and a new Muppet character, Dr. Ruster.