Jillian: Namamasko Po! tells the delightful story of Jillian (Jillian Ward), the magical doll and assistant of Santa Claus (Michael V) who accidentally falls into the hands of a sick young girl named Dolly (Daniella Amable), daughter of couple Lynette (Claudine Barretto) and Nelson (Wendell Ramos). Later on, Dolly discovers that Jillian is a unique doll that can talk, sing, and dance, among a lot of other things! Dolly believes that Santa Claus granted her two wishes through Jillian - that is to have a sister and a gift this Christmas. At first, Jillian, the magical doll, becomes annoyed with Dolly and her loving family, but she eventually enjoys their company. One night before going to bed, the sick child asks Jillian to promise to take care of her parents. Without any question, Jillian agrees. The following day, Dolly passes away. Lynette and Nelson gradually grow apart due to the pain of losing their daughter.