KOL'S WORLD is an entertaining and enriching new animated series starring Kol, a bright-eyed boy in a wheelchair whose passion for life and natural curiosity for all things allow him to overcome almost ANY obstacle that comes his way! Set in Kol's neighbourhood, Lonsdale Village, each day is a new adventure for Kol and his two best friends - a dog and a bird. Kol's family dog Terry, is an irrepressible Terrier puppy with boundless enthusiasm for exploring. Bella is a savvy songbird with a story to share and a song to sing. Together, Kol, Terry and Bella explore the neighborhood, and meet all the wonderful animals that live in their community. Whether it's a trip to the park or a visit to a local shop, along the way Kol learns a whole bunch about the world around him, the creatures that inhabit it and about himself! While KOL'S WORLD also deals with the physical challenges that Kol faces, the show is never 'just' about that. KOL'S WORLD is groundbreaking; our hero is a boy who loves to...