《小机枪手》是 英国广播公司(BBC)根据1975年出版,并获同年度卡内基奖的英国儿童作家罗伯特·韦斯托尔同名小说改编的6集电视连续剧(2002年,伊凡琼斯将其又改编成10集电视连续剧)二战时期,英国东北部的加茅斯小镇经常遭受德军炸弹袭击,一群孩子一次在该地区一架被击毁的德军飞机残骸上找到了一挺机枪,并建立了自己的堡垒。这一日,德军空袭,他们击落了一架德军飞机,并俘获一名德军飞行员,孩子们面临着选择,如果要将俘虏交出去,堡垒和机枪的秘密就要暴露...这个故事深刻揭示了战争给社会生活,尤其是给孩子幼小的心灵带来的恐惧与偏执的影响。One of the children raids a German aircraft that has crash-landed in the area and steals a fully operational machine gun, intending to set up their own ...In time, the gang also befriend a German pilot who is shot down.The story explores the impact on the community of living under war conditions, and importantly probes the deep effects on the children of that community. Their play reflects the terrors, paranoias and anxieties which were part of 1940s Britain.