Created and executive produced by James Franco and Vince Jolivette, “Undergrads: South“ captures a behind-the-scenes look at college life and the unique experiences of undergraduates as they struggle to balance their personal lives, school obligations and movie-making dreams. (Shot in Austin, Texas.)The show follows young go-getting producer David Bukstein; the heartfelt, yet playful documentarian/editor, Morgan Young, Bao Truong, the introspective auteur and Ali Haji, the “singing“ producer. 90% percent of the project was shot, edited by and stars people who are in college and was shaped by director Joy Gohring.The “Undergrads: South“ pilot screened at the 2012 SXSW Film Conference where Gohring and the cast were invited to participate in a making of panel. Series highlights include: Young making a PSA for the Brady Campaign and interviewing gun violence survivors.