In a world where women strive to be powerful and independent, a group of children struggle to understand their mothers. Comedy mini-series. In Episode 1, The Pole, find out what children think about their mothers practicing their pole fitness moves in a playground. Meet Lara (the overbearing mother of Elizabeth) and Kristin (the health freak pole fitness instructor and mother to Julie), Lisa (the altruistic mother to adopted daughter Mona), and Charlotte (the oblivious mother to the sweet Nala). In Episode 2, Jump, Elizabeth and Julie have some boy problems in their elementary school playground. In Episode 3, The Babysitter, meet Melissa, sister in law to Lara, who hates children. What does she do when Elizabeth places her on an online dating service. In Episode 4, Wax, see how Elizabeth and Julie handle the items they find in their mom's bathroom.