The Weight of the Nation

The Weight of the Nation


集数: 15  

2012.05.14 美国开播 (已上线4687天)



Cindy Roach

饰:Herself - School Bus Driver

Gerald Berenson

饰:Himself - Founder, Bogalusa Heart Study, Tulane University Schoo

Peter Katzmarzyk

饰:Himself - Epidemiologist, Pennington Biomedical Research Center

Stephanie Broyles

饰:Herself - Epidemiologist, Pennington Biomedical Research Center

Kathy Pigott

饰:Herself - Teacher, Bogalusa Middle School

Joe Culpepper

饰:Himself - Bogalusa Police Department

Jack P. Shonkoff

饰:Himself - Director, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard Univ

Thomas Frieden

饰:Himself - Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Shiriki Kumanyika

饰:Herself - Professor of Epidemiology, Perelman School of Medicine

Marlene Schwartz

饰:Herself - Deputy Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesi

Rudy Leibel

饰:Himself - Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine, Columbia Univers

Thomas Farley

饰:Himself - Commissioner, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygien

Deborah Lomax

饰:Herself - Deputy Director, Bronx District Public Health Office

America Bracho

饰:Herself - Executive Director, Latino Health Access

Tony Iton

饰:Himself - Senior Vice President, Healthy Communities, Tha Califo

Kimberlee Wyche-Etheridge

饰:Herself - Director, Bureau of Family, Youth, and Infant Health,

Karl Dean

饰:Himself - Mayor of Nashville

Anna Busby

饰:Herself - School Health Nurse, Bogalusa Middle School

Marsha Culpepper

饰:Herself - School Health Nurse, Bogalusa Middle School

Raghubir Mangat

饰:Herself - Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, LSU Health

Donald Lloyd-Jones

饰:Himself - Chair, Preventative Medicine, Northwestern University

Jon Lomasney

饰:Himself - Director of Autopsy, Northwestern University Feinberg

Roy Agee

饰:Himself - Musician

Deborah Clegg

饰:Herself - Metabolism Investigator, University of Texas Southwest

Peter Gluckman

饰:Himself - Director, Centre for Human Evolution, Adaptation, and

David Flum

饰:Himself - Surgeon, University of Washington Medical Center

Robert Lustig

饰:Himself - Pediatric Endocrinologist, UCSF Benioff Children`s Hos

Jennifer Ericson

饰:Herself - Weight Gain Study Participant

Elisa Fabbrini

饰:Herself - Washington University School of Medicine

William Dietz

饰:Himself - Director, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and

Nora Volkow

饰:Herself - Neuroscientist, Director, National Institute on Drug A

Philip Marineau

饰:Himself - Former President, The Quaker Oats Company, Pepsi-Cola

Francis Collins

饰:Self - Director, National Institutes of Health

Michael Nutter

饰:Self - Mayor of Philadelphia






