Revival of the classic NBC game show where two contestants, one a returning champion, faced a computer-generated board of 25 squares. Game play was the same as before: Each contestant called out a pair of numbers on the board, which contained the names of prizes and WILD and TAKE cards (the latter two explained later). No match passed control to the opponent, but a match gave whatever prize was named or a TAKE marker, revealed two pieces of the rebus (identifying a person, phrase, place, thing, etc.) and allowed him/her a chance to solve the rebus. WILD cards provided an automatic match; revealing two WILD cards in the same turn earned a $500 bonus, while uncovering the third take meant a $1,000 bonus and the opportunity to reveal up to five pieces of the rebus at once. Contestants uncovering a TAKE card (red and green cards, with a color match required) could, upon a correct match, elect to hold onto the marker to wait for their opponent to collect a better prize or to take back a ...