What is it to be a superstar? We suspect it's not at all what you think it is. All of us, at some time or another, come to a point our lives where we need to choose what path to go down. In many respects its like standing in front of a bridge - a bridge in life sort-of-speak. But if your goal in crossing that bridge is to become a superstar on the other side, you're going to find that in crossing it you're going to be on your own; that none of your friends are going to dare to go with you; and that when you get to the other side you're going to lose control and the only thing you will know, is that everything you know will do you no good from thereon. Everything on the other side of that bridge is new, and the choice is yours to make your world beautiful . . . or to make it crap. The choice is yours and yours alone. Our story follows the journeys of three different musical groups as they aspire to ascend toward superstardom. One of the groups is poor and living in the ghetto, and they...