Future Tense is a series of documentaries that will explore how today's emerging technologies will greatly affect tomorrow's society. Imagine a world without any limitations. A world in which you could access to any knowledge within a matter of milliseconds. A world where machines are not just your dumb assistant, but an extension of you, capable to perform tasks only a human could have done. A world in which robots would free each of us from cleaning, driving, even working! This world is about to unfold. This world is called the Artificial Intelligence. Through the exclusive inputs of some of America's greatest scientists and entrepreneurs, we'll discover how artificial intelligence is soon going to reach, and even surpass human intelligence; How smarter-than-human robots or software will soon accomplish tasks and solve problems that even science-fiction had not envisioned. What will be the world when you can talk to a machine without knowing that it is a machine? What will be the ...