This was a Pop Rock weekly variety show seen on NBC As with ABC TVs "Shindig", which began 4 months earlier, this series combined the musical trends of the day, "The British Invasion", Detroits' "Motown" sound and the merging Folk Rock trend. Unlike "Shindig", this series featured a segment from Great Britian hosted by The Beatles' manager Brian Epstein who presented "up and coming" groups. The weekly hosts, at the NBC Bubank studio, included George Hamilton, Roger Smith, Noel Harrison, Paul Anka and Sammy Davis Jr. The performers , from both sides of the Atlantic, included The Four Seasons, The Beatles, Nancy Sinatra, Gary Lewis and The Playboys, Petulia Clark, Barry McGuire, The Kinks, Herman's Hermits, The Byrds and The Lovin' Spoonful