


集数: 68   (每集45分钟)

2007.10.31 美国开播 (已上线6355天)


Stan Bernard

饰:Self - Narrator

Tony Gerard

饰:Historical Reenactment

Lynn Rogers

饰:Self - Wildlife Biologist

Peggy Callahan

饰:Self - Executive Director, Wildlife Science Center

Doug Hajicek

饰:Self - Camera Technology Expert

Scott Cassell

饰:Self - Diver

Jim Tittle

饰:Self - Camera System Designer

Jared Christie

饰:Self - Fisherman

Ron Magill

饰:Self - Miami Zoo

Linda S. Godfrey

饰:Self - Author & Journalist

Ernie Jillson

饰:Self - Miami-Dade Co Anti-Venom Unit

John Bindernagel

饰:Self - Wildlife Biologist

Ralph Collier

饰:Self - Shark Expert

Dj Quaile


Telly Blackwood

饰:Historical Reenactment

Jeremiah S. Sullivan

饰:Self - Sharksuit Inventor


饰:Self - Sasquatch Researcher

Michelle Belanger

饰:Self - Author, 'The Psychic Vampire Codex'

Jeff Belanger

饰:Self - Author, 'Ghost Files'

Dennis Hasting

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Steve Kulls

饰:Self - Tracker, NESRA Member

Tim Heath

饰:Historical Reenactment

Ron Johnson

饰:Historical Reenactment

Adam Wories

饰:Historical Reenactment

Rick Myers

饰:Self - Captain, Sampan

John Freitas

饰:Self - Sasquatch Researcher

Danny Mauro

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Richard MacPhie

饰:Historical Reenactment

Clive D.L. Wynne

饰:Self - Animal Psychologist, University of Florida

Darbin Ousley

饰:Historical Reenactment

Robert Rines

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Sasha Andreev

饰:Historical Reenactment


饰:Self - Author, 'MEG: Hell's Aquarium'

Kamron Saraye

饰:Historical Reenactment

Daniel Sjerven

饰:Historical Reenactment

Rakhi Kumari

饰:Historical Reenactment

Kent Vliet

饰:Self - Biologist, University of Florida

Paul Sereno

饰:Self - Paleontologist, University of Chicago

Cody Foltz

饰:Historic Re-enactment

Shane Hobel

饰:Self - Professional Tracker, SFI Team Member

Kathryn Medlock

饰:Self - Curator of Vertebrate Zoology, Tasmanian Museum

Bob Bowersox

饰:Historical Reenactment

Stanton Friedman

饰:Self - Nuclear Physicist

Kirsten Gregerson

饰:Historical Reenactment

Asher Pink

饰:Theodore Neal

Matt Krizovensky

饰:Historical Reenactment

Neil Hammerschlag

饰:Self - Marine Biologist

Lloyd Pye

饰:Self - Author

Jeff Wamsley

饰:Self - Author, Behind the Red Eyes

Bob Freer

饰:Self - Founder of the Everglades Outpost

Joe Fitzback

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Marla Spivak

饰:Self - Professor of Entomology, Minnesota University

John Mioncynski

饰:Self - Wildlife Consultant

Linda Scarberry

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Reed Booth

饰:Self - Exterminator

Dale Pearson

饰:Self - Expedition Leader

Jeffrey Meldrum

饰:Self - Physical Anthropologist, Idaho State University

Loren Coleman

饰:Self - Cryptozoologist

Scott Lope

饰:Self - Director of Operations, Big Cat Rescue

Todd Disotell

饰:Self - Professor of Anthropology, New York University

Ken Gerhard

饰:Self - Cryptozoologist

Joe Wasilewski

饰:Self - Wildlife Biologist

Benjamin Radford

饰:Self - Author, 'Hoaxes, Myths and Manias'

Roger Hanlon

饰:Self - Marine Biological Laboratory


饰:Self - Cryptozoologist

James Fay

饰:Self - Bigfoot Researcher

William Munns

饰:Self - Forensic Artist

Justin Pontier

饰:Neil Nunley

Bob Gimlin

饰:Self - Eyewitness

John Green

饰:Self - Journalist

Sandra Mansi

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Scott Mardis

饰:Self - Champ Researcher



Adrian Shine

饰:Self - Nature Historian, Loch Ness Project

Katherine Ramsland

饰:Self - Author, 'The Science of Vampires'

Tim Weisberg

饰:Self - Eyewitness


饰:Self - Rods Founder & Researcher

Craig Fackrell

饰:Self - Cryptozoologist

Bruce Maccabee

饰:Self - Optical Physicist

Marcy Grams

饰:Historical Reenactment

Joseph Palermo

饰:Self - Filmmaker

Dennis Boyd

饰:Historical Reenactment

Matt Bille

饰:Self - Science Writer, Cryptozoologist

Sharman Hoppes

饰:Self - Zoological Veterinary Specialist, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M

Russell A. Mittermeier

饰:Self - President, Conservation International

Mike Bergeron

饰:Self - Camera Engineer, Panasonic


饰:Historical Reenactment

Matthew Feeney

饰:Police Officer

Mike Rylander

饰:Roger Patterson - Historical Reenactment

Paul Cram

饰:Antonio Silveria

Gregory Erickson

饰:Self - Biologist, Florida State University

Jaime Maussan

饰:Self - Open Minds Productions

Rick Murphy

饰:Self - Professional Boat Captain

Richard Conklin

饰:Self - Stamford Police Department

Mike Archer

饰:Self - Dean of Science, University of New South Wales, Australia

Jamie Seymour

饰:Self - Director, Tropical Stinger Research Unit

Jim Hamm

饰:Self - Attack Victim

Jason Perr

饰:Self - Arial Camera Operator

Liz Sanders

饰:Historical Reenactment

Jim Hoerricks

饰:Self - Forensic Video Analyst

Peter Beach

饰:Self - Researcher

Donald Prothero

饰:Self - Professor of Geology, Occidental College

Brandon Brinkley

饰:Historic Re-enactment

John Edel


饰:Historical Reenactment

Annie Einan

饰:Mrs Kathleen May

Tommy Propson

饰:Ronald Shaver

Matt Arnett

饰:Eugene Lemon

Kim Rossmo

饰:Self - Criminologist

Mike Agrusa

饰:Self - 'Gable' Film Creator

Craig O'Connell

饰:Self - Marine Biologist

Greg Skomal

饰:Self - Marine Biologist

Faye Leport

饰:Self - Eyewitness

Kalif Troy

饰:Historical Reenactment

Don Fry

饰:Historical Reenactment

Craig Ferreira

饰:Self - Shark Research Committee


