Driven to Extremes is a three-part global challenge, pitting two specially-built vehicles - and more specifically the oil inside them - against three of the most difficult roads on Earth. However, inside our purpose-built Nissan Patrols will be an A-list Hollywood celebrity (Tom Hardy, Henrill Cavill and Adrien Brody) accompanied by a motorsport hero (Neil Hodgson and Mika Salo) as they take on the coldest, the hottest and the roughest roads on the planet. Watch as the stars and their driving partners tackle the chilly climes of eastern Siberia, the searing heat of the Taklamakan dessert in far western China and the uncompromising terrain of the Malaysian rainforest, with each destination providing an acid test for the vehicles, the drivers and the oil. 内容充满惊险动作的《极限驾驶》,要挑战人类耐力的极限,看这群不怕死的顶尖爱车人士凭借着本能、专业、技巧、知识、毅力和汽车,征服这些险恶的地理环境。旅途中所有的高潮起伏与冒险动作,全在《极限驾驶》。 第一集,由演员Tom Hardy和前F1赛车手Mika Salo参与拍摄,他们来到西伯利亚东部,冬季温度是常人难以接受的-70℃ 从世界上最冷的城市-雅库茨克,沿着"寒骨之路(Road of Bones)" 开往世界最冷的人类栖息地-奥伊米亚康地区,他们要应对各种艰难的条件以及极寒的气候,一旦引擎熄火,就会被冻住。这段旅程将要在世界上最寒冷的道路中行驶一千公里,逼迫人类和车辆到达生存的边缘。 第二集,冒险之旅接着来到中国,这次换亨利和尼尔挑战辽阔干燥的塔克拉玛干沙漠,该地又称为死亡沙漠。高达摄氏50度的沙漠气温可能造成引擎过热故障,还有时速最高达100哩的沙尘暴,这对搭档必须合力穿越470哩的世上最大流沙沙漠,从哈密到乌鲁木齐,当地的水源跟生物一样稀少。只要稍有差池,他们就会受困沙漠;只要误判速度,他们的车就可能翻覆;而一旦在这些炙热沙丘间遇难,到时也不会有直升机前来解救他们。 第三集,再来要前进马来西亚,安卓亚与米卡要在雨季高峰挑战世界最险峻的丛林山径。他们两人将尝试穿越柔佛州东北部16哩的尤鲁萨迪里山径,当地的野生林下植物河流暗藏无数危机,他们必须行驶124哩前往柏达原住民村庄。当地人深知这条山径很容易破坏变速箱、水箱还有戳破轮胎,但最大的危险还是天气。在雨季期间,突来的阵雨有可能在几分钟内演变成暴洪。