《侏罗纪格斗俱乐部》第一季,共12集,本集为其中一集 ——曾在CCTV7的《科技博览》栏目播出 合集目录: 迅猛龙对阵霸王龙 死亡之河 深海杀手 谁杀死了霸王龙 冰河世纪的怪物 恐龙群斗 从猎手到猎物 同类相食的恐龙 最大的杀手 血腥的史前之战 迅猛龙的最后一击 恐龙大灭绝
集数: 12
2008.07.29 美国开播 (已上线6049天)
Erik Thompson
Thomas Holtz
饰:Self - Vertebrate Paleontologist, University of Maryland
Philip Currie
饰:Self - Professor, Dinosaur Reseach: University of Alberta
Peter L. Larson
饰:Self - President, Black Hills Institute of Gealogical Research Inc
饰:Self - Author of the Best-Selling Meg Series
George Blasing
饰:Self - Paleontology Expert
Lawrence Witmer
饰:Self - Professor of Anatomy, Ohio University
Larry Dean Martin
饰:Self - Senior Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History
Robert Gaston
饰:Self - President of Gaston Design Inc
Mark Norell
饰:Self - Chairman and Curator, Div of Paleontology - American Museum of Natural History
Christopher A. Shaw
饰:Self - Collectiion Manager, Gorge C Page Museum
Dan Durda
饰:Self - Principal Scientist, Southwest Research Institute