大约30年前,几名小儿外科医生提出了一个激进的手术方案。这样的手术方案是史无前例的,在当时的医学会议上,几乎所有人都认为那是无稽之谈。这个手术方案就是,在胎儿未脱离母体的状态下,治疗其先天缺陷。 Step inside the medical frontier of fetal surgery with "Twice Born," a gripping series that takes an intimate look at the Special Delivery Unit at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where rare surgeries are done on babies still inside their mothers’ wombs. With exclusive access to the elite unit, (where the production crew was embedded for 15 months), you’ll live with expecting parents facing a gutwrenching decision: should they risk pre-natal surgery even if they may lose their child?