简介:Jose Eber是世界最具影响力的发型设计师之一,曾被评为全球沙龙商业大奖终身成就奖(Global Salon Business Awards Lifetime Achievement Award)Jose Eber出生于法国尼斯, 十二岁起就在法国一家发型屋开始了学徒生涯,母亲和妹妹是他的首批客户。二十六岁时,一次美国的游玩 经历让他爱上了洛杉矶,并决定留在了那里。For more than four decades, Jose Eber, arguably the most recognized name in hair styling, has been in the vanguard of beauty. Since the very beginning of his career, José has set the trends. He created the most influential looks of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s: something no one else has ever accomplished. And with the dawning of the new millennium, he remains a leading trendsetter in hair and fashion.